Recommendations to keep in mind when choosing board software

Remote programs have existed before, but after the pandemic, the need for them has skyrocketed. People had to adapt to new conditions, and this affected all areas, including the board of directors. Board portals have become an indispensable part of many companies after the release of quarantine, but if you are just thinking about introducing such a program into your system, then in this article we will give some tips on how to choose the right portal for boards of directors.

Check the safety features

Although each company has different requirements, the demand for security is the same for everyone, and now this is more important than ever. Carefully check the security capabilities your potential provider can provide you. As a rule, quality providers offer their customers 256-bit data encryption and the best security certifications. It is a framework that will allow you to safely store and exchange documents within the program.

Also, inquire about additional security features. It is suspicious of the function of remote content deletion, but only if this function cannot be performed centrally. Providers may also offer features to control and interact with documents, which also means that developers are concerned about your security.

Learn how the program helps you create documents

Creating and organizing documents is a time-consuming process that is usually performed by several people, so the ability to assign tasks would be a great feature for your . Leaders can use it to set deadlines and track user activity while working together.

Learn how easy it is to access information

The board portal should make your meetings easier, not complicated, so it’s important to interact with the program as easily as possible. This manifests itself in quick access to information, the flexibility of its use and interface. Make sure that the provider of your choice provides the following features:

  • Ability to search – this way council members will save time searching for the desired file in a mountain of other materials, moreover, it is important that they can do it on any OS and device. If the portal for advice will be possible to use only on a PC, it will not be as flexible as a high-quality program should be
  • Printable formatting – although the whiteboard portal system makes paper documents unnecessary, for some it may be a more convenient way to view them, so make sure the document formatting is printable
  • Offline access – the ability to access materials offline is an important function that provides for the fact that sometimes the Internet may be unavailable and helps to prepare for the meeting in any scenario

Check if users can collaborate

The possibility of simple cooperation and interaction even remotely is very important, especially during a pandemic. Check what collaboration tools your provider provides. High-quality whiteboard portals allow you to leave comments and questions on topics of interest to them, the rest of the employees are instantly notified about this. Also, look out for the availability and quality of conferencing features and polling and voting capabilities.

Is there a calendar function?

A coupled calendar with an automatic reminder function is a very useful thing that is shared and allows council members to view all plans, schedules, and upcoming events. It also streamlines the scheduling of meetings and speeds up the decision-making process for directors regarding participation.